Current Issue

Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 6/29/24

Year: 2024

Trakya University Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute accepts articles on Roma with a scientific perspective and reveal the subject in an analytical and original way are included. Our journal aims to be a source of information for all researchers interested in the field by providing free and open access. It aims to increase the visibility and accessibility of the qualified information produced in the field on an international perspective through scientific publishing and to contribute to the world of science in this context. 

Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute is an international peerreviewed journal that includes original studies on Roma in the field of social sciences. Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute accepts submissions both in Turkish and English. Journal is published once a year, in June. The articles sent to the Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute are examined in terms of compliance with the writing principles of the journal before the publication is established. The articles that are deemed appropriate to be evaluated are sent to at least two separate referees by keeping the author names confidential. The opinions defended in the articles published in the journal do not related to the Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute in any circumstances. The responsibility of the published articles and articles belongs to the author.

1- For articles to be published in the Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute at Trakya University, they must not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Papers presented at scientific conferences may be accepted if this is indicated.

2- The responsibility for the content of the articles belongs to the authors.

3- It is recommended to follow the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association in the writings.

4- The text should be written in A4 size (29.7x21 cm.) on Word program with Times New Roman font, 11-point size, and single spacing. The page margins should be set as Top 6.2 cm., Bottom 5.5 cm., Right 4 cm., Left 4 cm., Binding Margin 0 cm. Footnotes should be written in 9-point size, single spacing, and justified. Click here for the article template.

5- The first line of each paragraph should be indented by 1 cm.

6- The article title (in Turkish and English) and main headings (including INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION, REFERENCES) should be written in capital letters and cantered. Subheadings should have the first letter of each word capitalized and be indented 1 cm.

7- The name(s) of the author(s) should be written below the article title. Academic titles should not be mentioned in the author name(s). The academic title(s) of the author(s), the name of the institution (university, faculty, department, or other), email address, and ORCID information should be added as a footnote using the * symbol. Author information should only be included in the cover file and should not be included in the main article file. (Click for Cover File example) At the end of the article, researchers should declare their contribution, acknowledgement of support, conflict of interest, and financial support.

8- The article should include a Turkish and English summary of the topic, consisting of no more than 150 words. The summary should be written in Times New Roman font, 10-point size, and single spacing. At least 3 and no more than 5 keywords should be given below the summary after leaving one line blank.

9- Quotations should be given in quotation marks. Quotations less than four lines long should be written between the lines, while quotations longer than four lines should be written in a block style with a 1 cm margin from both the right and left sides of the main text and 1 point smaller (10-point) font size with single spacing.

10- Each table or graph should be numbered and given an appropriate title. The table or graph number and name should be centred in the text body in Times New Roman font, 10-point size, and the source of the table or graph should be given at the bottom of the table. Tables and graphs should be used in the text where they belong. If there are appendices, they should be added after the references.

11- In the same issue of the journal, no more than two works by a single author may be published as the first author. If more than two works are submitted during a period, the ones beyond the first two will be transferred to subsequent issues.

In academic writing, either the “footnote” or “in-text citation” methods can be used for referencing. Regardless of the method used, the sources should be listed alphabetically under a single heading in the references section.


In reference footnotes, if a source is referenced for the first time, all bibliographic information related to the work should be included in the following order:

Author’s Name, Book Title (in italics), Edition Number, Publisher, Publication Place and Year, Page Number.

Halil Seyidoğlu, Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yazma El Kitabı, 9. edition, Güzem Yayınevi, İstanbul 2003, p. 34.

Bülent Gökay, Bolşevizm İle Emperyalizm Arasında Türkiye, Translated by Sermet Yalçın, Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, İstanbul 1977, p.97.

In reference footnotes, if a source is cited for a second or subsequent time, the information provided may be abbreviated as follows:

-Second reference to the same work:
Bülent Gökay, a.g.e., s.22.
For articles:
Cemal Kafadar, a.g.m., s. 38.
For thesis:
Hilal Yılmaz, a.g.t., s. 56.

-Reference to an article in an edited book:
Cemal Kafadar, “Osmanlı Siyasal Düşüncesinin Kaynakları Üzerine Gözlemler”, Tanzimat ve Meşrutiyet’in Birikimi, Ed. Mehmet Ö. Alkan, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul 2004, s.30.

- Reference to article in periodical publication:
Emine Dingeç, “XVI. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Ordusunda Çingeneler”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, S. 20, Aralık 2009, s.34.
Ernst E. Hirsch, “İktidar ve Hukuk,” Çev. Hayrettin Ökçesiz, Hukuk Araştırmaları, C.II, No:3 (Eylül-Aralık 1987), s. 44.

- Reference to newspaper articles or news:
Yalçın Bayer, “Balkan Tarihi Yeniden Yazılacak”, Hürriyet, 6 Aralık 2012, s. 9.
“Çiftçi Fırkası”, İkdam, 22 Kanun-i sani 1336, s.2.

- Reference to archive documents:
BCA. (11 Temmuz 1933).
BOA. İ. Şura-yı Devlet, 4434 (11 Şaban 1302/26 Mayıs 1885).
BOA. A.}MTZ.04, 137/60/02/01 (R. 21 Kânunuevvel 1321, M. 3 Ocak 1906).

- Reference to electronic source:
Beytullah Yılmaz, “Küçük ve Orta Büyüklükteki İşletmelerin Toplumda Üstlendikleri Roller Bakımından Analizi”,, (18.02.2006), s. 3.
Türkiye’nin Katılım Yönünde İlerlemesi Hakkında 2004 Yılı Düzenli Raporu, Avrupa Toplulukları Komisyonu, Brüksel, (07.10.2005).
John N.Berry , “Educate Library Leaders,” Library Journal, February 15, 1998, http// (3 Nisan 2000).
-Reference to Master’s and Doctoral Theses:
Emine Dingeç, Rumeli’de Geri Hizmet Teşkilatı İçinde Çingeneler (XVI. Yüzyıl), (Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Tarih Anabilim Dalı, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Eskişehir 2004, s. 61.
Hilâl Yılmaz, XIX. Yüzyıl Ortalarında Uzunköprü Şehri, (Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Anabilim Dalı Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Edirne 2014, s. 108.

The references should be cited in the text by giving the surname of the author, year of publication and page number according to the “author and year” method.
a. If the author’s name is mentioned in the text, the year of the source should be written in brackets.
Example: Yıldırım (1966). or Yıldırım (1966: 70-97), giving the page number.

b. In other cases, the author’s name may be given in parentheses.

Example: ...New developments are being made in this field. (Raths, 1967: 40-85).

c. If two references written by the same author in the same year are to be cited, they are given as follows.

Example: (Gates, 1967a: 45-50; 1967b: 130-170).

d. If the source has two authors, only their surnames are written.

Example: (Massialas and Cox, 1966: 37-66).

e. Works by two authors with the same surname published in the same year are distinguished by the first letters of their first names.

Example: (Smith, O. and Smith, B., 1958: 251-251).

f. If the author of the source is more than two, all surnames are included in the first citation.

Example: (Bursalıoğlu, Aydın, Kaya, 1995: 120-145).

g. In subsequent citations, “et al.” is used.

Example: (Bursalıoğlu et al., 1995: 120-145).

h. The references given in a series are ordered from the most recent to the oldest, enclosed in brackets and separated by semicolons.

Example: ...According to the latest developments in this field (Cobb, 1972: 221; Flanders, 1970:124; Bursalıoğlu et al., 1995: 31).

i. When referring to internet sources whose author is unknown, parentheses are opened, a few words are selected from the title of the internet source in question and enclosed in quotation marks, then the year is written and the parenthesis is closed.

Example: (“1 second on the Internet”, 2017)

References will be written in capital letters in the centre of the page. Since the works in the bibliography are listed alphabetically according to the surname of the author, the works will not be given a separate sequence or section number and the titles of the authors will not be used.

The references utilised in the study should be given under a single Bibliography heading, without leaving any paragraph and line spaces between them. All references, including internet sources, should be listed alphabetically.

Access Date: should be added to internet sources.

While preparing the bibliography, the following points are followed according to the footnote or in-text display method.

When the classical footnote method is used:

Author’s Surname, Name, if any, “Title of the Article” (in quotation marks), Name of the Journal or Book (italic), if any, Name of the Compiler or Translator, Volume, Number, if it is printed more than once, the number of editions, Place and Year of Printing, The page range where the article is located is given in the format. If more than one work of the same author is used as a source, it should be arranged from old to new according to the date of publication or alphabetical order. In the bibliography, each source should be written 1 cm inside.

ALTINÖZ, İsmail, Osmanlı Toplumunda Çingeneler, TTK. Yayınları, Ankara 2013.

ARAYICI, Ali, Avrupa’nın Vatansızları Çingeneler, Kalkedon Yayınları, İstanbul 2008.

DALKILIÇ, Mehmet; Biçer, Ramazan; Demirli, Ekrem, Balkanlarda Dini Aşırılıklar ve Etnik Barış, Tasam Yayınları, İstanbul 2012.Barış, Tasam Yayınları, İstanbul 2012.

MARUSHİAKOVA, Elena; Popov, Vesselin, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Çingeneler Balkan Tarihine Bir Katkı, Çev. Bahar Tırnakçı, Homer Kitapevi, İstanbul 2006.

Periodical Publications:
ATASOY, Emin; Ertürk, Mustafa, “Etnocoğrafya Perspektiften Bulgaristan Romanları” Doğu Coğrafya Dergisi, Yıl 15, Sayı 24, 2009, s. 87-116.

KABOĞLU, İbrahim Ö., “Düşünce Özgürlüğü: Avrupa Ölçütleri ve Türkiye”, İnsan Hakları Yıllığı, C.XV, 1993, s. 45-53.

YILDIRIM, Bülent, “Bulgaristan’da Türk Azınlığa Yönelik Unutulmuş Üç Büyük Siyasî Suikast”, Gaziantep University Journal Of Social Sciences, Vol.XVI, No, III, 2017, s. 864-877.

DİNGEÇ, Emine, Rumeli’de Geri Hizmet Teşkilatı İçinde Çingeneler (XVI. Yüzyıl), (Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Tarih Anabilim Dalı, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi), Eskişehir 2004.

YILMAZ, Hilâl, XIX. yy Ortalarında Uzunköprü Şehri, (Trakya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Anabilim Dalı Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Edirne 2014.

When in-text citation (APA 6) is used:

The left indent should follow the following template, starting 1 cm back from the first line indent:

Author’s surname, initials (year). Title of the book in italics. Place of Printing: Publisher.

Author’s Surname, Initials (year, month if applicable). The title of the article, only the first letter of the first word capitalised, the rest in lower case unless it is a proper name. Name of the journal in italics with the first letter of each word capitalised, Volume in italics (issue), Page Number Range. Doi number

Author’s surname, author’s initials (date of publication). The title of the article in italics, only the first letter of the first word capitalised, the rest in lower case unless it is a proper name. Date of access: Day Month Year, link to the article.

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials (Year). The name of the thesis in italics, only the first letter of the first word capitalised, the rest in lower case unless it is a proper noun (Unpublished Master’s/Doctoral Thesis). Name of the Institution, Location of the Institution.

For issues not specified for the in-text display method, please contact

Articles prepared in accordance with the above-mentioned principles should be submitted via the “Submit a Manuscript” tab on the homepage.

In accordance with our publication policy, we require the use of the term “Romani” in articles to be published in our journal. However, terms such as “Gypsy” and “Kipti” which are commonly used in fields such as history and literature, may be used if they are not used pejoratively. In articles where these expressions are used, an explanation should be provided in a footnote detailing the reason for their use. The editor may request changes to the expressions used or reject the article in cases where the explanation is insufficient. The authors are solely responsible for the title and content of their articles, and all authors who submit articles to our journal are assumed to have agreed to this policy.

Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute is the official publication of the Trakya University Institute of Roma Language and Culture Research, and it is an international, peer-reviewed academic journal.
- The journal is published once a year (June).

- The manuscripts sent to our journal for evaluation are firstly pre-reviewed in terms of form and spelling rules, and the manuscripts that do not comply with the spelling principles are rejected without the need for referee evaluation.

- Double-blind refereeing is practiced in our journal. (Book Reviews are accepted to the publication process after the review by the relevant field editor without need for the referee assessment. In this regard, the field editor has the authority to request revisions and reject submissions.) For this reason, manuscripts that include the institution and identity information of the author(s) in the main manuscript file are rejected without the need for peer review. Authors are not informed about the identity of the referees and referees are not informed about the identity of the authors.

- Manuscripts delivered to the journal are submitted for the evaluation of at least two referees, at least one of whom is an expert in the field, at least one of whom is from outside the institution. Manuscripts accepted in line with the referee evaluation reports are queued for publication. Even if the manuscripts are accepted, the Editor may decide whether or not to publish.

-When an article undergoes review by two referees, if one of them recommends rejection, it may be subject to further evaluation by a third referee, and a final decision will be made based on the collective assessments. If the referees advise the author to revise the manuscript, the author will be informed and requested to resubmit a corrected version. Failure to address the referees' recommendations will result in the article being rejected for publication, even if it was initially accepted.

- Manuscripts submitted to the journal must not have been published previously.

-The views and scientific content presented in the published articles, as well as any legal liabilities arising from their publication, are the sole responsibility of the author(s). Trakya University Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute assumes no liability for the content presented in published articles.

-Publication fees are not charged to the author(s) for the submission, review, or publication of articles in the journal.

Article Evaluation and Publication Process

1- Preliminary evaluation by the editor’s office of the article.
2- Examination by the Editorial Board.
3- Verification of the compliance of the main manuscript file with the journal format.
4- Evaluation of the similarity report.
5- Invitation to referees to initiate the peer-review process. (Not including Book Reviews)
6- Notification to the author based on the referee evaluation reports.
7- Review of the revised article submitted by the author and forwarding it to referees (in case of request for a second review by the referee).
8- Notification to the author of the second evaluation results by the referees.
9- Submission of the final version of the article by the author.
10- Receipt of the final similarity report by the editor.
11- Acceptance of the article.
12- Receipt of the final approval from the author after typesetting and layout of the article.
13- Publication.

Open Access Policy
Trakya University Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute adheres to the principle that providing open access to scientific research to the public will enhance the global sharing of knowledge, and as such, it provides immediate open access to its content.

Trakya University, Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute uses the LOCKSS archiving system.

Ethics in Publication and Statement of Misconduct in Publishing

Clinical and experimental studies involving human and animal subjects that necessitate ethics committee approval must procure such endorsement, which must be explicitly documented and declared in the study. The methods section of the article should contain information pertaining to the approval, along with the first and last pages of the manuscript. In case presentations, explicit mention of the signed informed consent form must be incorporated into the article.

Furthermore, the authors must assert the ethical compliance of their research and publication, and provide a statement at the end of the manuscript detailing the contributors' declaration of their respective roles, acknowledgments, conflict of interest disclosures, and funding sources.

It is pertinent to note that this declaration adheres to the rules of the “Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors – 2011” by the Committee on Publication Ethics and the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, Version 3.

a) Responsibilities of the Editor: The editor of the journal decides on the suitability of the submissions and whether or not to publish them. In making this decision, the editor decides not on the basis of the race, gender, faith, nationality, political opinion of the author(s), but on the compatibility of the submission with the journal’s editorial policy, originality and importance. The journal editor cannot share personal information about the submission with third parties (referees, scientific board members, publisher, etc.). Editors or referees may not use the information and documents contained in rejected applications or applications in the publication stage in their own research without the written permission of the author.

b) Responsibilities of Referees: Referees support the editorial board in checking the suitability of the application for publication. Reviewers should strive to be fair, impartial and constructive in evaluating the submitted work. Reviewers are expected to provide suggestions to the author(s) to improve the submission and eliminate possible errors. Reviewers are obliged to inform the editor if they feel inadequate about the submission sent for review or if they cannot complete the review on time. Reviewers are responsible for ensuring the security of the information and ideas contained in the submissions. They cannot share them with third parties or use them in their own research.

c) Responsibilities of Authors: Studies based on fake/fraudulent data are not acceptable. Authors must ensure the accuracy and originality of the data. If the study involves human subjects, appropriate institutional authorities must be obtained and permission from the individuals who participated in the study must be obtained. Written permission must be obtained from the relevant institution or person(s) for “data collection tools, tables, graphs, maps, and other visuals” belonging to third parties and subject to copyright. The terms and conditions stated in the Submission List, which are accepted by the responsible author who submits the article during the submission process, are considered accepted by all other authors. All authors who have made a significant contribution to the study must be included as co-authors. Inclusion of individuals who have not made a contribution in the list of co-authors is not appropriate, and will not be tolerated. Authors must agree to reasonable revisions suggested by our journal’s referees and editors. If an author refuses to make revisions without acceptable reasons, the submitted article will be rejected. All authors are required to correct every mistake and withdraw any inaccurate information in the submitted article as needed.

Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). (2011, March 7). Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

The Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, Version 3.

Journal of Roma Language and Culture Research Institute is an open access journal and does not charge any fees from its authors, referees and readers.

Creative Commons Lisansı

Roman Dili ve Kültürü Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı ile lisanslanmıştır.